President of the Riigikogu Eiki Nestor told Postimees that the maximum that Wednesday might bring is that parties again arrive at upper limit to vehicle costs. The probability of rules more forceful is next to nothing. A reason being significant differences among the deputies.
As shown by a flash poll pulled by Postimees, the vision of compensations rules is wall to wall. Thereat, the lines go not by parties, nor even along world view lines. While all of EKRE were for abolishing all compensation, lion’s share at Riigikogu think it necessary to keep costs compensations at 30 percent. Elected from Viljandi and Valga Counties, Heimar Lenk (Centre) said that keeping costs compensation at €1,042 was needed as Riigikogu members use the money to support their electoral districts: they organise events, rent cultural facilities, pay bus and theatre tickets for children and elderly.
Some deputies think we must learn from the Nordics where costs compensation is linked to distance of electoral district to capital city, or to which committee the deputy sits at. As an example of that, at foreign affairs committee costs of entertaining guests are often higher than others.
There is a readiness to set an upper limit to car operating lease at Riigikogu, but at which level is a matter of hot debate. To this day, there are differences regarding if a member is good with a minimally €300 car or one for €500 a month. Soc Dems Rainer Vakra and Marianne Mikko proposed renting the entire Riigikogu a car fleet by way of underbidding. This way, they could not get them for their own afterwards.
Alarm bells should be ringing as even today a large part of deputies would wish the pain of costs compensation to be replaced by non-transparent representation allowance – extra pay, in essence – just as the scandalous 2007 membership once suggested. Representation allowance would be fine in eyes of members like Märt Sults (Centre), Artur Talvik (the Free) and Marianne Mikko (Soc Dems).