The Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church (EELK) is offering the government housing for refugees in six municipalities, it appears from the updated refugee relocation action plan.
The Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church (EELK) is offering the government housing for refugees in six municipalities, it appears from the updated refugee relocation action plan.
The church is ready to accommodate up to two families in the Padise rural municipality, one family in the city of Tartu, two families each in the town of Polva and the rural municipalities of Luganuse and Vaike-Maarja, and one family in the Harku municipality.
The choice of a primary place of residence in Estonia for recipients of international protection is based on available possibilities for finding accommodation and work, children's best interests, i.e. availability of schools and child care opportunities, as well as local self-governments' integration indicators and readiness to accept refugees. Possibilities for providing services necessary for adjustment and coping, and individual needs for social, healthcare and support person services or an adjustment program also are taken into consideration. Given the above-mentioned criteria, bigger municipalities are likely to be considered first as a destination for refugees.