Back in the picture and hungry for intrigue

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Photo: Erik Prozes

Practicing the prosthesis ten steps at a time, Edgar Savisaar has again managed to stir political elation and glee in comrades by declaring willingness to keep on fighting as Centre chairman. And: the will to tease other parties is still in him. 

His blood pressure still above 200 mmHg, Mr Savisaar is used to health problems (the heart, the diabetes) while the man of 65 now at under 80 kilograms is fitter for the fight. And, as before, welcomes action.   

Allegedly busy writing his family will this summer, the political will got postponed i.e. Savisaar continues as Centre Party chairman. As underlined by lots of experts: naive were the ones who assumed he’d quit the chairmanship. And why would he? Why not help his party to a major win at 2017 local elections – to the up-to-now largest electorate, add the possibly abundant newfound admirers and the compassionate.

Reps rises

If the leading Riigikogu centrists Kadri Simson or Jüri Ratas ever harboured hopes to chair the party some day, the illusions are hereby crushed. «Savisaar will never ever back down from there,» say those who know him.

With Ms Simson, Mr Savisaar doesn’t talk politics too much any longer, Postimees is told – a sign that the latter is indeed good to head the parliamentary faction but that’s it. Rather, the deputy faction head Mailis Reps has gained greater Savisaar-confidentiality.

Always one to love muddying the waters, Mr Savisaar has proceeded to provide public information about how the new Soc Dems head Jevgeni Ossinovski was essentially on him to come create a new coalition.

«Mainly Mr Ossinovski was interested if we’d be with him should this current government fall apart and Reform propose that we enter the coalition. Very intensively he asked that! Stirring me up and making me believe he was serious,» said Mr Savisaar.

Sure, Mr Ossinovski paid him repeated visits. By coming public with details of it all, he is pulling the rug from under Mr Ossinovski the incoming minister for whom it would be difficult as it is to sit behind same table with education minister Jürgen Ligi and economy minister Kristen Michal.

For Mr Savisaar, such behaviour is rather unusual. In times past, he kept content of secret meetings close to his chest – to be used as the need arose. Now, who will feel at ease talking to him?

Keep opposing

Having at end of August also met key figures Andres Herkel and Andres Ammas of the Free, as well as «reasonable people» – not Mr Rõivas – among squirrels, he is in preparations for future cooperation options with the latter.

To the knowledge of Postimees, the reasonable Reformers included Neinar Seli who allegedly contacted Mr Savisaar at his own initiative. For comments, Mr Seli yesterday proved elusive.

In all likelihood, Mr Savisaar has been reconciled to not being in the government in near future. And, indeed, there’s no need. Better to watch from the sidelines how the three in the government tear each other apart and tackle the refugees’ issue.

Some Soc Dems like Jaak Allik think all Mr Savisaar is currently up to is «make matters worse. Whatever that would mean for Centre, he has neglected to strategically consider – as usual. Not even while sick in bed, as the new tactics seem to be the same-old and well known.»
