Any kid knows laundry can be done two ways: manually and with machine. In both cases, the clothes are brought into contact with washing powder, then rinsed thoroughly and all the water poured into the sewer. And so over and over again – each time, new chemistry poured into the washing water, be it soap, powder or a capsulated liquid.
Routine activity, but a bother. And costly. Now, scientists have come up with a method to at least blot out part of the process. Should all go according to plan, the word combination «Tartu scientists» will be a curse word among all washing powder producers in the world as the need to add the stuff into machines ceases to be.
«I think they’ll hate us if we proceed with the product,» said member of the team of inventors, University of Tartu biomedicine technology institute doctoral student Mart Ustav Jr.
Mr Ustav says the innovation is that the washing substances – enzymes and other compounds – will be permanently located inside the machine. «We will bring them into contact with iron nano-particles and will extract them out of the water after each wash,» described Mr Ustav.
But how? Washing, rinsing, centrifuging – all these are here to stay. However, an automatically rotating magnet will be added to wash machines, such as releases and extracts active detergents. Up to now, the technology has been narrowly used in scientific research like in medicines development to extract proteins, DNA and RNA out of cells.