According to anonymous sources speaking to Postimees, a political cash channeling system has been operated at Port of Tallinn before the current top management now under corruption suspicion was appointed.
According to anonymous sources speaking to Postimees, a political cash channeling system has been operated at Port of Tallinn before the current top management now under corruption suspicion was appointed.
About this, grapevine has been busy whispering for years. Till today, sound evidence has proven elusive.
This present bribery investigation presents an excellent opportunity to trawl the muddy waters. Unavoidably, a question also arises: why was the council unable to detect and obstruct the dark dealings, if proven true. Who sit at the council, we ask? And answer: politicians do.
Should the regular cash bags be a fact, it will be of importance to clarify the entire chain and the ways the stuff was successfully concealed for such a long time. If a state enterprise is stable cash cow for one or several political parties, how great will be the motivation of people representing said parties at councils to sound an alarm? We suggest it is zero... or lower yet, perhaps.
Commercial Code says the council of a public limited company has the right to familiarise itself with all its documents, as well as check correctness of bookkeeping, existence of assets, and conformity of activity to law, statutes and general meeting decisions. Also, a council member is to show due diligence. Otherwise, he may stand financially liable for damages brought upon the company.
The way it currently appears, in light of the events under criminal investigation, Port of Tallinn council was not too busy doing its legal duties – rather, gazing at the Moon or own navel. Like we will now all step down, as one, and have thereby washed our hands.
The description published by Postimees about party/port money matters is no final and detailed evidence, of course, but worthy of scrutiny and a separate investigation if needed.
On cartoon, a frog asks fellow if it has heard about 'liquidity' for politicians from Port of Tallinn. The other says who cares as long as sports has stopped getting it.