Court to decide Friday morning whether to take Kaljurand, Kiil into custody

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Whether former leaders of the Port of Tallinn, Ain Kaljurand and Allan Kiil, would be taken into custody in connection with the corruption scandal is most likely to be decided on Friday morning.

Estonian public prosecutor Laura Feldmanis on Thursday applied for suspects in the Port of Tallinn corruption scandal, Kaljurand and Kiil, to be taken into custody by the Harju county court. According to initial information the court wants additional time to decide and is planning to make the decision on Friday morning.

The other six suspects have been detained for 48 hours.

Officers of the Internal Security Service (ISS) on Wednesday morning detained the chairman of the management board of Port of Tallinn, Ain Kaljurand, and member of the board Allan Kiil as suspects in bribe-taking.

Both men are suspected of accepting bribes on a large scale over a period of several years. «Before the initial procedural acts have been carried out the content of the suspicion and the amount of money received as bribe cannot be disclosed,» spokespeople for the chief prosecutor's office told BNS. ISS officials conducted searches on the premises of the state-owned port company and at the dwellings of the suspects. Searches were conducted also at several other locations.

Three more people have been detained as suspects in bribe-giving and three others as suspected accessories to bribe-giving, spokespeople for the chief prosecutor's office said.

Pretrial investigation is carried out by ISS and headed by the Public Prosecutor' s Office.
