Poland's new president, Andrzej Duda, is to make his first work visit to Estonia on Aug. 23 at the invitation of Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves.
Poland's new president, Andrzej Duda, is to make his first work visit to Estonia on Aug. 23 at the invitation of Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves.
«The fact that this is the first foreign visit of President Duda and Estonia is the destination, once again affirms the very close relationship of Poland and Estonia,» Ilves was quoted by spokespeople as saying.
«Poland has a central role in standing for the security interests of our region as well as strengthening the unity of NATO, and we also see Poland's importance in protecting the common interests of the European Union,» he added.
According to Ilves it is symbolic that the visit of Duda takes place on Aug. 23, the 76th anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact which divided Europe into spheres of influence in 1939. Poland was the first to lose its freedom as a result and the Baltic countries were next.
As a result Estonia and Poland both consider important an integration of a peaceful Europe, Ilves said.
In Tallinn Duda is to meet with Ilves as well as speaker of the Riigikogu Eiki Nestor and Prime Minister Taavi Roivas, and will visit the Museum of Occupations where a joint conference of the two heads of state will take place.