According to the court press representative Anneli Vilu, basis was lacking for cancellation of ERJK injunction. Both persons concerned are left burdened with costs of court proceedings. Even so, the decision may be contested till July 17th.
An ERJK pay-back injunction had been contested at the administrative court by Karin Tammemägi, Priit Kutser and Jaanus Mutli employed by Tallinn business department.
ERJK had declared a poster featuring Mr Kutser vowing to open a sports complex to be prohibited donation paid by Tallinn.
Karin Tammemägi earned her injunction by a big beach poster calling city dwellers to Nordic walking, also paid by city government.
On June 11th, the court decided to retain injunction regarding Jaanus Mutli. Like disputes related to Edgar Savisaar and Arvo Sarapuu are still underway.
Namely, ERJK was concerned about a poster at opening of Hiiu Stadium showcasing Mr Mutli, Mr Savisaar and Mr Sarapuu. The injunction included a video clip with Savisaar inviting people to show up at elections and participate in trainings for Tallinn Marathon.
City government data says the Hiiu Stadium ads cost €11,000; Mr Kutser’s ads were €1,234.8 and Ms Tammemäe poster €268.8. To the latter, costs of removing the posters will be added. The Edgar Savisaar clips cost a total of €100,842.69.