Even so, Mr Nurme has another angle to view plans by training buddy. Namely, a white man’s analysis bumps into a black man’s faith. «I don’t believe, he does,» he says. «With the black runners, faith always comes into play – great faith, even in the impossible. This is what carries them. They have a very optimistic attitude towards sports. Why not?»
As revealed by the position he pick at competitions, Mr Wachira is ambitious. If a rival is his equal, he never runs behind him. Always, he is at least at his side. It must have been the great willingness that spurred him on at Berlin 25 km where he covered the initial 5 km with rivals in world record tempo, till exhausted. And, at the Tallinn SEB marathon – going along with the overly eager beginning by Ethiopian Dadi Tesfaye Beyene. And therefore, adds Mr Nurme, even at training sessions Mr Wachira tends to overdo with speed and kilometres.
Not limited to improving his marathon best by ten minutes, Mr Wachira has another grand dream this yea: in the fall, he intends to get married. As the bride dwells in Kenya, they have to communicate by computer. But that’s not the only problem. The main problem being: before he can marry her, the bride’s father requires €2,000. That’s the sum set and bargaining is excluded.
«Tough money,» notes Mr Nurme. «Perhaps the parents think the man has been in Europe and must have lots of it.» The Kenyan average wages are equal to €70–€80.
Looking long-distance into the future, Mr Wachira wants to spend summers in Estonia and winters in Kenya. His dream is to open a sports academy for the young, back home, someday.
«How much would that take?» I ask.
«€100,000,» says Mr Wachira.
«My goodness, time for you to run,» I say, winding up the two-hour conversation. «You need to get busy making the money.»