About the free higher education. Have things gone well with free higher education regarding full-scale study?
The time will tell, as will the fruits. The good in the system is the pressure to study, in order to abstain from paying. But, as a slogan, free education as such is not what OECD advises, or what Jaak Aaviksoo used to advise as rector [of University of Tartu]. With higher education, some level of own responsibility is advised as later in life those highly educated are more prosperous and happy.
But the decision has been made and now we have a problem how to get more private money which exited higher education. To a degree this is reflected in the coalition treaty and will probably concern the students in senior levels, whether with in-service training or retraining where we want to also involve universities.
At any rate, I’d like to also bring extra private money into higher education. We’ll need to see how to improve the system so that people could also pay themselves if they so desire.
Born July 16th 1959, in Tartu
Tartu State University, economic geography (1977–1982); University of Tartu, foreign economy (1989–1993); EBS, MBA programme (1994–1996)
Reform Party founding member, currently its vice chairman
Elected to VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII membership of the Riigikogu; 2005–2007 defence minister, 2009–2014 finance minister, since April 2015 education and research minister