Not necessarily. We’ll see what the experience will be like for us. It cannot be excluded that some EU or NATO operation will be launched which for us may prove a higher priority. Then, what will matter is that we are a small country with limited resources. The end of ISAF (the NATO led international forces in Afghanistan – O. K.) was surely a welcome time of rest, but Estonian Defence Forces need real experience.
Born on November 8th 1973, in Tartu
University of Tartu, Bachelor’s degree in English philology
Since 2014, defence minister
Since 2005, chairman of Social Democratic Party
2003–2014, member of Riigikogu
2002–2003, defence minister
1999–2002, member of Riigikogu
1998–1999, Centre Party political secretary
1996–1999, assistant at University of Tartu German-Romance philology department