Here and there, the media calls him a counselling psychologist, as well as a founder of the school of hypnoanalysis and a psychoneuroimmunologist.
Union of Estonian Psychologists president Kairi Kreegipuu says in Estonia anyone who gets the idea may brazenly call himself a psychologist. «Over here, it is not regulated who may call himself one operating in the field of psychology,» she admitted. «Now, Union of Estonian Psychologists issues standardised professional certificates to be renewed every five years. At the moment, such individuals are a bit over one hundred.» We might as well rejoice that, starting this year, Health Insurance Fund no longer pays for services of psychologists without professional certificates.
Those who know the hero of this story say he is good with people and an excellent manipulator, also skilled in hypnosis. Swiftly, he has been able to create contact with many a well-known persona in Estonia. Allegedly, even some local quote unquote real psychologists have been impressed with his teaching.
Rather typical with such guys is opposing themselves to science based psychology and/or medicine. Meanwhile, they are in the habit of underlying their alleged scientific degrees and the scientific nature of what they do.
In itself, what they say may not be wrong, but differs from real science by its down-to-earthness and simplicity, at times primitiveness. As an example of that, it is highly typical to hear these charlatans say stuff like this man told Pärnu Postimees. «Take the flu, for instance. As the flu virus is on the move, everybody should be sick. But some are, some aren’t. Why? When you are stressed, anxious, depressed, it weakens your immune system and you get sick. It all begins with the immune system, which in its turn begins with the thinking,» announced the man. «The greatest mistake made by medicine is treating the symptoms. Fly, stress, cancer, and all other sicknesses are symptoms. We need to treat the problems, not the symptoms.»