Certain issues too contentious to be tackled formerly look like solved in this government. Like the ever-present refrain of administrative reform. As also underlined by President in speech to new Riigikogu. This just cannot be ignored, any longer.
On the one hand, to administrate the state we live beyond our means. On the other hand, despite the disproportionate use on money, not every corner of Estonia has all vital services guaranteed – a reason why some areas are emptying of inhabitants.
Therefore, how encouraging that with the new government the issue was tackled and planned on ministerial level. Public administration reform is a long-term activity impossible as a one-ministry solo; rather, this takes the entire government’s effort and endeavour. The matter being of utmost public importance, let’s wish the ministers involved well.
On top of the above, there are some scepticism issues raised. A glance at social networks, yesterday reveals concerns regarding two possible ministers – Kristen Michal and Jürgen Ligi.
With Kristen Michal... the court hath spoken, the man found not guilty. Jürgen Ligi as education minister? Here, the social networks feel a bit unjust. Mr Ligi is a politician with excellent analytical thinking and a great sense of humour. With a caveat: his approach to the world may not always resonate with others. And the more varied the background of colleagues, the greater thus the potential conflicts. Judging by the stir in social media, Mr Ligi is in for a rough ride.
Meanwhile, any prediction may not apply to reality-to-be. Remember the fears regarding Rein Lang as culture minister? Largely, it proved untrue. Wise men can adapt. And also: some fears are overblown. Should Mr Ligi indeed take a seat as head of education/research ministry, let’s wish the staff in domain a good sense of humour and sharpness of wit.