Concerning Ms Palo as well as Urmas Kruuse, getting rural life portfolio in the new government, those with experience regarding the former government fear they might not do well at EU summits and other international meetings – due to poor command of English.
Soc Dems, desiring foreign ministry for Sven Mikser, lost out to Reform.
It’s also work at Riigikogu for former ministers Andres Anvelt, Helmen Kütt, Ivari Padar, Jevgeni Ossinovski. Today at 5 pm, the Soc Dems council convenes with lots of people expected who are not at all satisfied with the text of neither the agreement nor portfolio distribution. «Tremendous tensions are written into the coalition, from the very start,» say some soc dems.
With current Soc Dem secretary-general Indrek Saar rising to be culture minister, the party needs a new CEO. In smaller circles, yesterday, current vice mayor of Tartu Kajar Lember was being tossed around.
Another party to elect a leader is IRL. Having assumed justice minister’s responsibility, Urmas Reinsalu has announced he is not running to be re-elected as IRL head. Meanwhile, logic dictates that party chairman sits alongside other ministers in cabinet, also closely linked to Riigikogu faction of own party. Thus, it might be either Marko Pomerants or Margus Tsahkna at IRL helm soon.
At that, no party involved is excited and expectant about the new coalition.
Replacements for ministers in Riigikogu
Taavi Rõivas – Andre Sepp
Keit Pentus Rosimannus – Imre Sooäär
Kristen Michal – Vilja Savisaar Toomast
Hanno Pevkur – Meelis Mälberg
Urmas Kruuse – Mati Raidma
Jürgen Ligi – Kristjan Kõljalg
Marko Pomerants – Einar Vallbaum
Sven Sester (not in Riigikogu)
Margus Tsahkna – Kalle Muuli
Urmas Reinsalu – Mart Nutt
Sven Mikser – Hardi Volmer
Indrek Saar – Mark Soosaar
Rannar Vassiljev (not in Riigikogu)
Urve Palo – Marianne Mikko