Board of Estonia's Center Party decided on Monday that deputy chair of the party Kadri Simson is to be the temporary substitute to chairman of the party Edgar Savisaar who is in hospital at present.
Board of Estonia's Center Party decided on Monday that deputy chair of the party Kadri Simson is to be the temporary substitute to chairman of the party Edgar Savisaar who is in hospital at present.
In addition, the party decided the candidates of the parliamentary group and board.
Board of the party made a unanimous proposal that the parliamentary group's board would continue in the same composition -- Kadri Simson as chairman, and Mailis Reps and Valeri Korb as deputy chairmen. It was also decided that Juri Ratas would be proposed as candidate for the Riigikogu board.
The party board also decided that Simson would fill in for Savisaar while he is away.
The board also decided to convene the council of the party on April 11.