Postimees-ordered TNS Emor poll reveals inhabitants of Estonia prefer Centre Party chairman Edgar Savisaar or Reform honorary chairman Siim Kallas as next President of Estonia.
Postimees-ordered TNS Emor poll reveals inhabitants of Estonia prefer Centre Party chairman Edgar Savisaar or Reform honorary chairman Siim Kallas as next President of Estonia.
In the poll organised before Mr Savisaar fell ill, out of prescribed options, Mr Savisaar and Mr Kallas were favoured most pocketing 13 percent of popularity among 1,251 respondents.
According to the study, Mr Savisaar was preferred by people with upper secondary education, lower income, elderly and non-Estonians. Mr Kallas was the favourite inhabitants of Estonian nationality, higher education and income.
As pointed out by Emor research expert Aivar Voog: while mainly one person featured among non-Estonians, Estonians mentioned more. «Among non-Estonians, Mr Savisaar is the solid choice. Among Estonians, Mr Kallas, Marina Kaljurand and Indrek Tarand are popular,» said Mr Voog.
The diplomat Ms Kaljurand, supported by 10.4 percent, was preferred by Estonians more highly educated and advanced in years. Among the young, under 25 years of age, the MEP Indrek Tarand was the most popular.
The 1,251 people were interviewed from March 11th to 19th. The poll featured 502 interviews in homes, the rest carried out over the Internet.
The next presidential elections take place in August 2016. According to Mr Voog, people’s preferences should be better formulated by then. «As the more specific names surface next year, the percentage of support will definitely change,» he added.