Estonia imported in February 58.5 million cubic meters of natural gas of which imports from Lithuania by new gas market participants made up nearly 10 million cubic meters or 17 percent and the remaining 83 percent was imported by Eesti Gaas.
Estonia imported in February 58.5 million cubic meters of natural gas of which imports from Lithuania by new gas market participants made up nearly 10 million cubic meters or 17 percent and the remaining 83 percent was imported by Eesti Gaas.
The total amount of gas imported to Estonia in February was 7.6 percent smaller than in the same month of the previous year, the gas and electricity transmission system operator Elering said. One of the reasons for the decrease was somewhat warmer winter weather. Gas flows between Latvia and Russia through the Estonian network amounted to 82.7 million cubic meters.
Gas began to be imported from Lithuania in December. Lithuanian imports of balance manager Baltic Energy Partners then made up 0.6 percent of total import. In January the share of gas bought from Lithuania rose already to 8.6 percent. At the beginning of February Reola Gaas also started buying gas from Lithuania.
The price of gas supplied to Estonia in February averaged 30.10 euros per megawatt-hour, Elering estimates.