The party bosses’ telephones were busy, yesterday. Meaning, the power talks were on. All have been to school and learned to count – options for a new coalition abound. As also the prior upsets, betrayals, hesitations.
While, at first glance, a government of Reform, soc dems (SDE) and the Free feels most logical, the latter two aren’t too willing to get burned. Especially the Free: why assume the governmental burden right away, with a party rather fresh and half baked. «Reform cannot be trusted. Why should we think we’d do different than all the other parties?» is what they sounded like, yesterday.
Which will not mean they will skip the talks. But explicitly demanding a democracy package and state reform, they are rather convinced there’ll be no signatures. Even so, when thinking of the final results, the Free envision people of their own, of IRL, SDE and part of the Centre as among those governing the country.
But the Free aren’t in a hurry. As stated by sociologist Juhan Kivirähk, in Postimees yesterday: for a newcomer, the greatest danger could be that going into government, they will have no time to build up the party.
So that’s what the feeling was like at the elections party of the Free. Victory – getting into Riigikogu – was wonderful, but not at any cost. Becoming a puppet for the jubilant Reform is the last thing they want. The trust gotten as swift down payment – a mere couple of months ago, none thought of the Free as a possible key party in coalition – must be built into a solid foundation.