Dozens of Toompea desks get fresh users
First time ever in Riigikogu:
Raivo Aeg (1962) 2,003 votes
IRL, Hiiumaa, Läänemaa and Saaremaa
Lifelong policeman and hunter. At end of career chief of Internal Security Service. Unexpectedly, refused to continue as offered, citing lack of ideas.
Yoko Alender (1979) 2,716
Reform Party, Harjumaa and Raplamaa
Educated as architect, made it to Tallinn city council in IRL ranks in 2013. Last year, she detected to Reform with Eerik-Niiles Kross and beat his political mentor big time, by 2,700 votes, this past Sunday.
Andres Ammas (1962) 1,862
Free Party, Hiiumaa, Läänemaa and Saaremaa
Former IRL secretary-general, chief of staff at 2nd government of Mart Laar, member of E(SS)R Supreme Council and Estonian Congress. Former headmaster of Haapsalu Gymnasium, now music teacher at Noarootsi Gymnasium.
Krista Aru (1958) 2,529
Free Party, Tartu City
Long-time researcher of activities of Jaan Tõnisson, former head of Estonian National Museum. Currently, board member at Estonian Research Council and member of Public Broadcasting Council. Agreed to run as No 1 of Free Party in Tartu as the party allowed independent candidates.
Maire Aunaste (1953) 676
IRL, Võru, Valgamaa and Põlvamaa
A nationally known TV host, author of various books and a stand-up comedy on herself.
Hannes Hanso (1971) 2,037
SDE, Hiiumaa, Läänemaa and Saaremaa
Mayor of Kuressaare, a widely known traveller of the Uhhuduur team, he has lived and studied in China.
Monika Haukanõmm (1972) 450
Free Party, Tallinn city centre, Lasnamäe and Pirita
CEO of Estonian Chamber of Disabled People, active in social sphere for 17 years. A vocal critic of work capacity reform.
Mart Helme (1949) 6,714
EKRE, Pärnumaa
Historian, diplomat and politician. Since spring of 2013, head of Conservative People’s Party of Estonia (EKRE). In 1995–1999, Ambassador of Estonian in Moscow. Owner of Suure-Lähtru manor in Läänemaa. Opposer of gay partnership act.
Martin Helme (1976) 4,296
EKRE, Tallinn: Mustamäe and Nõmme
A convinced nationalist who has run at various elections since 2004. At local elections in 2013, his statement «If black, turn back» (Kui on must, näita ust – literally, if dark skinned, show him the door) courted strong controversy.
Olga Ivanova (1984) 1,948
Centre, Tallinn: city centre, Lasnamäe and Pirita
Lasnamäe district elder, former umbrella carrying damsel for mayor Edgar Savisaar. In Lasnamäe, she has systematically done propaganda for Centre Party.
Uno Kaskpeit (1957) 1,807
EKRE, Võrumaa, Valgamaa and Põlvamaa
Former Border Guard border department head and director of Border Guard College. Retired Colonel. During the campaign, emphasised national defence role of border guard and has said merger with police equalled demolition of border guard.
Liina Kersna (1980) 2,387
Reform, Võrumaa, Valgamaa and Põlvamaa
Wife of TV personality Vahur Kersna, journalist by education. Press adviser for former prime minister Andrus Ansip for six years, under Taavi Rõivas rising to chief of staff.
Johannes Kert (1959) 752
Reform, Järvamaa and Viljandimaa
Lieutenant-general, former commander of Defence League and Defence Forces. Said thus on mandatory conscription of ladies: «Before all else, let the no-good guys pass conscription who are seeking ways to sneak off.»
Toomas Kivimägi (1963) 7,603
Reform, Pärnumaa
Mayor of Pärnu since 2009, Pärnu County governor in 1993–2009. In Reform Party since fall of 2014. Considers Rail Baltic top priority for Estonia and Pärnu.
Martin Kukk (1987) 456
Reform, Tallinn: Mustamäe and Nõmme
Secretary-general of the party since 2011. Unnoticed thus far (unlike scandal-smeared predecessor Kristen Michal) – as considered a sign of a good secretary-general.
Külliki Kübarsepp (1981) 1,032
Free Party, Tallinn: Haabersti, Northern Tallinn, Kristiine
Graduated from University of Tartu as political scientist. Served as IRL assistant to secretary-general and adviser to agriculture minister. Founder of ASBL Free Patriotic Citizen (VIK), linked with carious citizen associations.
Ants Laaneots (1948) 5,920
Reform, Tartu
Commander of Defence Forces in 2006–2011, after that adviser to prime minister in issues of security and defence. In his own words, in politics due to events in Ukraine.
Maris Lauri (1966) 4,019
Reform, Tallinn: Mustamäe and Nõmme
A former banking and economy analyst, a year ago Ms Lauri became adviser to prime minister Taavi Rõivas and, after Jürgen Ligi resigned last November, the finance minister. Once a minister, she immediately joined Reform Party.
Ain Lutsepp (1954) 4,109
Free Party, Tallinn: Mustamäe and Nõmme
Actor at Estonian Drama Theatre since 1980. From 2008, leads Estonian Theatre Association. In 2013, his were the words that felled culture Rein Lang amid the culture paper Sirp rearrangements scandal. Known since school-boy, having played in the film «The Spring» (Kevade).
Jaak Madison (1991) 1,883
EKRE, Järvamaa and Viljandimaa
University student, information desk employee on board of passenger vessel Baltic Queen, member of Albu parish council. Youngest at new Riigikogu.
Andres Metsoja (1978) 2,207
IRL, Pärnumaa
A former Pärnu county governor and one-time Kaisma parish elder, he has experience in regional politics.
Madis Milling (1970) 2,579
Reform, Harjumaa and Raplamaa
Known as a comedian, actor and radio voice, Mr Milling is an active Defence League member and national defence teacher. For ten years a Reform Party and Saue city council member, for the first time he now ran for the parliament.
Heidy Purga (1975) 3,283
Reform, Tallinn: Haabersti, North-Tallinn and Kristiine
Producer of «Eesti Laul» Eurovision selections, a radio personality and former editor-in-chief of Raadio 2. Having joined Reform Party last October, she said she run for Riigikogu to stand for freedom, creativity, independence, new culture and opportunities for the young to express themselves.
Raivo Põldaru (1951) 919
EKRE, Jõgevamaa and Tartumaa
Long-term top executive, including school headmaster. Former member at Puurmani Parish government.
Henn Põlluaas (1960) 4,305
EKRE, Harjumaa and Raplamaa
Mayor of Saue since 2012. Educated as art teacher, active in local politics since 2005.
Mihkel Raud (1969) 3,229
SDE, Tartu City
Guitar player, radio personality, TV host and writer. Running in Tartu, not his native region, pulled a fellow soc dem Heljo Pikhof into Riigikogu with his decent tally.
Martin Repinski (1986) 1,556
Centre, Ida-Virumaa
Farmer whose Konju Manor was picked as best Estonian organic producer last year. It’s goat milk products, mostly.
Erki Savisaar (1978) 1,826
Centre, Tallinn: Mustamäe and Nõmme
Son of Edgar Savisaar; active in business having hidden joint interests with father.
Arno Sild (1947) 523
EKRE, Võrumaa, Valgamaa and Põlvamaa
Now a pensioner, in 1994 Mr Sild was founding member of Eesti Maarahva Erakond (Estonian Country People’s party) leading to Rahvaliit (People’s Union of Estonia) in turn birthing EKRE. In EKRE, Mr Sild is vice chairman.
Anne Sulling (1976) 4,197
Reform, Tartu
Minister of foreign trade and business in Taavi Rõivas’ government. Postimees’ person of the year in 2011 for successful sales of CO2 pollution quotas. Project manager for Estonian switch to use of euro. Daughter of legendary heart surgeon Toomas Sulling.
Märt Sults (1961) 1,285
Centre, Tallinn: Haabersti, North-Tallinn and Kristiine
The active yet scandalous headmaster of Tallinn Arts Gymnasium. A long-time planner of a casino island in Tallinn Bay so that gambling would not tempt townsfolk, especially the young.
Tanel Talve (1976) 2,294
SDE, Jõgevamaa and Tartumaa
Kanal 2 programme host and motorcycle traveller. Promoter of village life. In 2014, run foe EU parliament as independent candidate.
Artur Talvik (1964) 7,305
Free Party, Harjumaa and Raplamaa
Citizen society activist, film producer. Volunteer sea rescuer. «I believe in a genuine citizen society where opinions are not overridden and laws are passed to help people,» he has said.
Toomas Vitsut (1960) 503
Centre, Tallinn: city centre, Lasnamäe and Pirita
Very senior Centre Party cadre, since 2005 chairman of Tallinn city council. In politics since 1995.
Back in Toompea:
Jüri Adams (1947) 720
Free Party, Tartu City
A key figure in Estonian regained independence and a founder of ERSP; vice president of Estonian Congress and a compiler of the Constitution. During 1992–2003, member of three sets of Riigikogu. Son of famed poet and literary scientist Valmar Adams.
Urmas Kruuse (1965) 5,960
Reform, Jõgevamaa and Tartumaa
Former mayor of Elva and of Tartu. Labour and health care minister in the government of Taavi Rõivas. Was elected to Riigikogu in 2011, but never went to Toompea.
Mihhail Kõlvart (1977) 10,996
Centre, Tallinn: Haabersti, North-Tallinn and Kristiine
Tallinn deputy mayor for education, culture, youth, sports and integration. Among most active in fighting for continued Russian language education. Ws elected to Riigikogu in 2011 but went not to parliament. This time also, he has said he’ll be staying in city government.
Jaanus Marrandi (1963) 1,046
SDE, Järvamaa and Viljandimaa
In XI, X and XI Riigikogu membership, a Centre Party agriculture minister in 2002–2003. Later, chairman of People’s Party. In 2013, waived opportunity to enter parliament as replacement for Kajar Lember who went for deputy mayor post in Tartu.
Rein Ratas (1938) 3,449
Centre, Tallinn: Mustamäe and Nõmme
Biologist by education, Mr Ratas was in Riigikogu in 2007–2011. Currently, Tallinn city council member and part of scientific council of Tallinn Botanic Garden. His son Jüri Ratas was vice-president of two previous Riigikogu memberships.
Kersti Sarapuu (1954) 1,164
Centre, Järvamaa and Viljandimaa
Entrepreneur, former Mayor of Paide and now its city council member. In Riigikogu in 2007–2011. Married to entrepreneur and Tallinn deputy mayor Arvo Sarapuu.