The elections: 7 chief conclusions
1. Two biggies did their thing.
Despite the impression that people desired new policies, the two main political powers – Reform and Centre – still pocketed their tallies of votes and keep on dominating the landscape.
2. Two newcomers in parliament.
Those that wanted change brought two new political forces into Riigikogu: Free Party and the conservative EKRE. Thus, a coalition to come needs to be a three party union.
3. IRL flops bad.
IRL, having advertised a lot and enriched lists of candidates with new well-known faces did surprisingly mediocre – as compared to last elections votes harvested shrunk by a whopping third. The departure of former Isamaaliit – Pro Patria – people took part of their electorate and the Res Publica wing is yet to show their strength. Also doubtful was nominating Juhan Parts as No 1 for his popularity and image aren’t too good. With number one landing only 19th, expectations were disappointed.
4. Soc dem hopes crushed.
The hopes that good poll results and people posed in government would boost party popularity went unmet. Instead of the dreamt-of 30 seats, they got mere 15. The number of votes was lesser by 11,000 than four years back. Of the 22 soc dem Riigikogu members, mere 5 kept their seats. Feels like being left wing still isn’t popular in Estonia and soc dems need to think image again.
5. Fresh faces rising.
Among the new people, these stood out Mart Helme, Artur Talvik, Ants Laaneots, Anne Sulling, Henn Põlluaas, Ain Lutsepp, Maris Lauri, Mihkel Raud, Heidy Purga, Liina Kersna, Krista Aru, and Tanel Talve.
6. Edgar Savisaar star still shining.
Though avoiding the No 1 debates and only emerging a couple of days before the elections, that was all his voters wanted. Mr Savisaar’s personal and regained independence time record of 25,072 votes and his four individual mandates show his voters still believe in him, and in Centre. With votes up as compared to last elections, Centre is among the winners though still not welcome in government.
7. Journalist no vote magnets.
The mass recruitment of journalists by various parties did not yield the result expected, only Mihkel Raud, Heidy Purga, Viktoria Ladõnskaja and Tanel Talve making it to Riigikogu. Now, it’s time for such journalists as defined their party spirit to think what to do next – with independence forfeited.