Currently, on the basis of genetic data, it is already possible to tell which corner of the world a person is and which is likeliest to be the nationality.
But do Southern and Northern Estonians differ?
They do. There is a difference indeed. The dividing line runs through Central Estonia, at where Livonian border used to be. We may clearly see that, on the map, Northern and Southern Estonians form two distinct clouds. For that, using mathematical methods, we analysed the data of over a thousand individuals.
With an even more detailed look at Estonians, we may more-or-less tell which county they are from.
Could the difference between Northern and Southern Estonians be put into words?
The difference is very small – only statistical and after the decimal point.
Up to the deportation, farming families stayed put on the same spot. People met in the county (kihelkond) and married in the county church. They seldom left the county. Up to the end of 1940ies, our rural people were rather sedentary. People did leave, but not many were added – such as people leaving the Isle of Saaremaa as there was not land enough, but none came from elsewhere.
We have a plan someday to sort all the DNSs that we have here. Then, we’ll have a very detailed database, and, on the basis of genetic data, we may perhaps be able to put together large families. Then, we will be able to look at the large family trees and see who is relative to whom.