Estonia changed Prime Ministers; the European Commission changed Vice Presidents. Very soon, we will change Chancellors of Justice. All three that have done their part do deserve to be thanked.
In the bigger picture, the year was marked by shakings in Western security. It would be wrong indeed for this to go unnoticed in the decorations. Those worthy of thanks are to be found inside and outside of the nation. Carl Bildt, former Swedish prime and foreign minister, one to boost Baltic Sea regional cooperation and European security; Christopher P. Skaluba, Principal Director, European and NATO Policy at United States Department of Defence, a man of great impact in enhancing collective defence at the alliance; Lieutenant-General Frederick Ben Hodges, an initiator of NATO presence in the border states of our region... Just some names among those decorated from the outside. No less noteworthy, though, the ones doing the same among us – the servicemen and officials seeing to domestic security.
Thinking of key words among those decorated, wisdom, creativity, goodness and unity come to mind. Nice to see a large part of these active in education, research and culture, and another large company in IT and business. Good to see regional community engines and entrepreneurs equally represented. And the retrospect would be incomplete without the folk-rock group Svjata Vatra front man Ruslan Trochynskyi who mediated donations collected in Estonia to Eastern Ukraine.