Why the need to delete committee audio recordings?
Because they lose value when the record (written minutes, these are public – M. M.) covers what happens at committee.
Is it such a bother to preserve them?
But how long will they be preserved? For what?
When mistakes occur and in order to contest what is contained in the record, asking to hear the audio recordings (in the weekly Eesti Ekspress, they have reached up to the Supreme Court with the request to hear the audio recording). How do we avoid situations like that?
By storing the recordings till the end of the current membership of Riigikogu. They won’t be thrown away immediately, you see. At the moment, no provision of the Riigikogu Rules of Procedure Act talks about storing the recordings. In reality, some of the committees have recorded these sessions.
But why not agree, then, that all will record?
Riigikogu operates on basis of law, not agreements.
But this can be inserted in the law.
To begin with, the idea is to write in the law what is a recording, why this is done and what will become of it later. The recordings done up to now need to be handed to the archives and the archives will decide what of these should be preserved and what not.