The student who shot and killed his teacher during class in the South Estonian town of Viljandi at the end October was taken into custody on Tuesday.
The student who shot and killed his teacher during class in the South Estonian town of Viljandi at the end October was taken into custody on Tuesday.
The 15-year-old was declared suspect in the killing after the event, but since the medical opinion was that he needed immediate treatment he was placed in a hospital, a spokeswoman for the Southern district prosecutor's office said.
In the framework of the criminal investigation a psychological assessment was ordered. It turned out this week that the experts need more time to write up their report and the investigator extended the deadline by a month. However, the experts also said that there is no need for further observation of the suspect in a medical institution.
The prosecution applied for a warrant of arrest against the youth, arguing that there is a probability that he will commit further acts jeopardizing other people's life and health if left in freedom. The Tartu County Court granted the application and the youngster was taken into pre-trial custody on Jan. 6.
The student shot and killed his German teacher Ene Sarap, 56, during a lesson at the Paalalinna School in Viljandi on Oct. 27.