Well, those more in the know will know that we’ve had the occasional roofs fly off and people bitten by cold, to say nothing about the ferryboat Estonia drowned twenty years ago with forces of nature doubtless playing a part. Still, from the outside, it may indeed seem that we Estonians do live under the shadow of Lord God Almighty on this tiny plot of ours, as if. Almost like a serene Shire far removed from the troubles of the broader Middle-earth hassle. It’s just the cataclysms of world politics that, rolling over the land, have done their share of damage – but otherwise nothing really seems to «bite».
Summing up this global year of conflicts and catastrophes, the tones are rather otherwise than over here. Should 2014 show the trend, things are about to go upside down in this world of ours. Like: a great power by sheer strength bites a piece of its neighbour and fuels military conflicts at the border area, brazenly and publicly lying they haven’t done anything. In Middle-East, brutally backward religious fanatics have risen up to rule over people, thinking it okay to have slaves and opting to simply slaughter those who think different. In several states in West-Africa, an unforeseen Ebola epidemic is plaguing the people. A large passenger jet just up vanishes, people and all – never to be found. Another civilian airplane, flying high over a war zone, gets hit with a rocket. Come the end of the year, a third one gets lost.