Estonia again ranks second in fresh Freedom House internet freedom scoreboard

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Photo: AP / Scanpix

Estonia once again placed second in a new internet freedom study released on Thursday by the New York-based Freedom House foundation, while Iceland again grabbed the top position.

The organization assesses internet freedom on a scale from 100 to zero. The lower the score, the more internet freedom a country has. Iceland had a score of six which is the same as last year while Estonia's score of eight was one point better than in 2013.

Canada ranked third and Australia fourth while Germany concluded the top five and the U.S. placed six.

According to Freedom House, of the 65 countries assessed 36 have experienced a negative trajectory since May 2013.

Freedom House's report 'Freedom on the Net 2014' covers developments of 65 countries around the world that occurred between May 2013 and May 2014. Every country received a score between zero and 100, a higher score indicating a lower internet freedom. Countries in the range of 0-30 points are assessed as being Free, between 31-60 as Partly Free and states in the range of 61-100 points as Not Free.

Iran received the lowest score, being beaten by Syria, China, Cuba, Ethiopia and Uzbekistan.

Russia and Turkey experienced the steepest decline compared to the 2013 report, and Ukraine, Angola and Azerbaijan also experienced a decline.

In a year Russia slid from the 41st position to the 50th and Turkey from the 38th to the 43rd.
