Estonia is to sent antiseptics worth 40,000 euros to Sierra Leone to stop the Ebola disease from spreading.
Estonia is to sent antiseptics worth 40,000 euros to Sierra Leone to stop the Ebola disease from spreading.
Estonia is to send in cooperation with the United Kingdom antiseptics for hands as well as medicinal liquid soap to Sierra Leone to stop Ebola from spreading further in West Africa, spokespeople for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. The antiseptics will be used in centers which are engaged in preventing as well as treating Ebola in Sierra Leone and the work of which is coordinated by the U.K.
According to Estonian Foreign Minister Keit Pentus-Rosimannus the antiseptics sent by Estonia will help create a safer environment for all volunteers who are taking care of patients in the centers as well as for all those who seek help in the centers. "This year Estonia has contributed 370,000 euros into fighting Ebola," the minister said. "We are ready to offer additional support to stop Ebola from spreading," she added.
According to the World Health Organization by the end of November 15,935 cases of Ebola had been registered, of which 5,689 ended in death.
Estonian doctor Argo Parts took part in a four-week mission to Monrovia, Liberia as one of the members of a UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) team to help prevent the spread of the Ebola outbreak there.