In the nine months passenger numbers reached a record 7.45 million, the port said.
Liquid cargoes, the biggest group of commodities, totaled 1.3 million tons in September, which marks an increase of 8.9 percent compared to the same month last year. Ro-ro cargoes amounted to 360,000 tons and mixed goods to 50,800 tons, which is respectively 9.8 percent and 48.9 percent more than the year before. Bulk goods dropped 10.8 percent to 209,800 million tons. The amount of goods shipped in containers decreased by 2.6 percent to 157,400 tons.
In the nine months container traffic increased by 4 percent on year to 199,149 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs). The amount of goods shipped in containers increased by 14 percent to 1.48 million tons. Shipments of liquid cargoes exceeded 14.6 million tons, 0.2 percent more than a year ago. Bulk goods dropped 14.1 percent.
In January-September the ports served more than 7.4 million passengers compared to 7.1 million a year ago. In September passengers numbered nearly 700,000, about the same amount as in the same month of the previous year.
The ports received 1,511 visits by freight ships and 3,738 visits by passenger ships in the nine months.