In August 2014, the retail sales of goods of retail trade enterprises were 428.7 million euros, which was 326 euros per inhabitant. The retail sales growth in stores selling manufactured goods slowed down markedly compared to the previous months. The retail sales of those stores increased 13% in June and 12% in July compared to the corresponding month in 2013, whereas in August the growth was 6%. Sales increased in most economic activities. Only the retail sales in non-specialised stores selling predominantly industrial goods (e.g. department stores) were 11% smaller than in August of the previous year; and the retail sales in stores selling household goods and appliances, hardware and building materials stayed at the same level compared to August 2013. In August, the retail sales in stores selling textiles, clothing and footwear and retail sales via mail order or the Internet increased the most (by 28% and 24%, respectively).
The retail sales in grocery stores have been rather stable for the last two months. In August, the retail sales in grocery stores increased 6% compared to August of the previous year.
The retail sales of automotive fuel increased 8% at constant prices compared to August 2013.
Compared to the previous month, in August the retail sales in retail trade enterprises decreased 4% at constant prices. According to the seasonally and working-day adjusted data, the decrease was 1%. During the eight months (January–August) of 2014, the retail sales in retail trade enterprises increased 6.5% at constant prices compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.
In August, the turnover of retail trade enterprises was 510 million euros, out of which the retail sales of goods accounted for 84%. Compared to August 2013, the turnover increased 5% at current prices. Compared to the previous month, this indicator decreased 4%.