Think of our personal contracts and agreements. No matter how expensive the paper, nothing works by some miracle – without definite will by parties to keep these, and the steps to back that up. And so it is with NATO, the joint security alliance of free nations, of democratic countries. Indeed, our will to be dedicated to defend the allies needs to be clearly expressed and the words must be followed by actions. In these very following days, we will hear NATO summit conclusions on the definite actions to be.
NATO is no loose military organisation guided by interests of the moment – such as have abounded in history. This is a union built on the free world values. This is an alliance created to defend the human rights and democratic freedoms of over 900 million people, and the sovereignty of their states.
In his speech, Barack Obama painted a picture of the regained independence of the Baltics, our aspirations and thirst for freedom. Not just the picture of shaking off an occupation, but of creating the institutions needed to ensure the freedoms of all, and of staying true to values. At the moment, those striving towards building democracies – people from Kiev to Tunis – are looking towards the Baltic States to be inspired to learn democratic practises, to build institutions of good governance, and to reform economies.