Mr Ansip was replaced with a fresh face and now they can go on governing for a longer while?
I’m inclined to think there will be no powerful new party that could assume governmental responsibility, after elections.
I do not believe in project parties. One may play with protest votes, but whoever protests will not build, will not create. That kind of a voter is destructive, actually.
How do look at Siim Kallas coming to be prime minister and as good as fled back to Brussels?
I’m the kind of a young pensioner political observer; I have not forgotten about the back rooms. The stitches were showing.
If, figuratively speaking, childhood follies are being brought to the surface, such as have no legal, political not any other meaning, and comments are demanded, everything is being cast into some king of a setting.
In the 1990ies, people came into politics to make Estonia, to create the state, to reorganise the society. It’s different than today. The politics tgat are pursued today, when it comes to quality it is quite another matter.
Siim Kallas is not a person to become bitter, and then to become reticent and ill-willed.
Considering Siim’s authority, his live experience, he could be an excellent consultant, or a totally standalone person – like we have the Chancellor of Justice, Auditor General, the President. But in politics there clearly has been a change of generations. Once this has happened, it is highly unlikely that the clock can be turned back.