In a mid-concert interview at Song Festival yesterday, its art director and conductor Hirvo Surva gave praise to dedication of all – as evidenced by what we heard.
In a mid-concert interview at Song Festival yesterday, its art director and conductor Hirvo Surva gave praise to dedication of all – as evidenced by what we heard.
Like us all. (The interview halts as Mr Surva struggles to hold back the tears in run-up to the grand culmination of the event. The struggle is mutual.) I feel like I so love this land, these people. It just feels so good to have been born here, of all places. And to be a part of this wonder. This here is like us all.
In many ways, it’s still like you also. Thanks, it fell into fertile hearts.
I’m really happy that we actually did have the concert, on Saturday. From start to finish. Together, we walked our history and that was much needed. We needed to think about it, a little, how we have come to where we are. God grant us to stop to think, during the in-between years, to reflect. Not to be in a rush, constantly. Not to keep passing each other by.
Years ago, the idea of being touched by time was so well targeted. Usually, it takes a shaking in the society, something bad to happen, for us to get the blue-black-white feeling. So is the nation indeed willing to celebrate, to rejoice together?
Do we have to have something go wrong? If for once we would learn to just rejoice over what’s well! The good gives such rich returns! What a joy that is.
At the moment, what are our choirs like?
I think the way they sing today, it’s absolutely remarkable. Many have told me so – a kind of a new level in the sound. For me personally, it’s interesting to hear the united choirs colour, the colours of them taken separately. Choir music, and its technique, is making progress.
A clear, crisp sound has appeared. As many singers have said, coming up and wondering that singing amid such masses they hear no wrong notes. All have poured in a whole lot. Nothing held back! The dedication, in preparation, has been amply rewarded. I’m so glad about that.
Let’s hope there are less wrong notes in the society, after this, and for the touch to continue.
Yes, we so need our souls refreshed. I hope it will not come again in five years only. Rather, let it get soaked into the daily routine for a little while longer. And let me say once again: I’m just so glad to have been born in this land. And in this time, perhaps... to be a part of what we get to do together.