Saaremaa and Hiiumaa ferries have dragged up the initial serious testing stone for Reform/Soc Dems fresh coalition. After two years, what boats will be taking us to the other side? Whose will the boats be? Who will be administrating the trips?
This we do not know. Even so, front row seats are available to watch the political point-scoring. Or, rather, the scramble to push the bad ball to the other party court. In Postimees today, the newly appointed Port of Tallinn chairman Remo Holsmer (Reform) tells us how the former economy minister Juhan Parts (IRL) was about to become guarantor for private ferry business.
Former ministers Mr Parts and Meelis Atonen think the current economy minister Urve Palo is putting on a puppet show with the public procurement planned with Port of Tallinn participating. Ms Palo, in her turn, is pointing a finger back towards predecessor who has left her the inheritance of a forced situation where time has run out to build new vessels – or: one might try, but with too much risk involved.
Like a spaghetti western type «Mexican confrontation» where the three involved are pointing gun at the next guy, while all expect someone to please make a mistake. Truth be told, the real players are the current ferry-business-performing Vjatšeslav Leedo, the government fishing for solution in the muddy waters of limited options, and the opposition in whose interests it is to paint the situation in colours even darker than they actually are.