The Arco Vara shareholders meeting started the way they usually do, in Estonia – all run smooth, according to plan. But only so till the third item on the agenda, as they got to voting over issue of equity capital. Namely, the company wished to increase equity capital by €2.45m, by issuing €3.5m worth of new shares. Still, from investors they desired to get €3.5m, as the securities were planned to be emitted a euro a piece.
Before the vote, Tarmo Sild stressed that supervisory board members Rain Lõhmus, sworn advocate Aivar Pilv as representing Toomas Tool, Allar Niinepuu and Arvo Nõges we all for the proposal.
Great was the surprise when the screen showed results of the vote: 64.52 percent for, and 35.48 against. As to enter into force, two thirds of the votes were needed, the decision was rejected – 200,000 votes were missing. All in all, 3.87 votes participated.
In a comment spread after the meeting, Tarmo Sild confirmed Gamma Holding (Arvo Nõges) and AS Baltplast as having been against. The latter’s official owner is Mari Tool, represented in the supervisory board by Toomas Tool.
After a moment of silence, following the vote, Tarmo Sild stood up and said that small shareholders ought to ask about the responsibility and role of a supervisory board member. «How can it be, that on May 13th he says one thing and now exactly the opposite,» said Mr Sild, turning directly to Arvo Nõges and asking if it was true that Mr Nõges had offered Arco Vara shares to Rain Lõhmus at €2.07 per share. That’s almost twice the price of current Arco Vara share price.