Since Russia launched its anti-Ukraine aggression, self-assumed taboos like that no longer make sense. Still, a company sized unit, albeit elite, rather serves as a mighty (diplomatic) message of dedication to defend Estonia.
Why deterrence, let us ask. Well, for the potential enemy to refrain from attacking – as the price would be too high. Surely, absolutely credible deterrence is vital also for Estonian economy, so no potential investor would draw back due to fear of aggression.
Regarding economic decisions, what matters is not the faith in us and allies that the aggressor won’t dare attack a NATO member; rather, it’s to totally shake the endangered state image in the eyes of investors. Without lasting investments, however, we can in no way create the wellbeing allowing us to reach other goals from the cultural to the demographic. This was a description of Estonia’s interests.
From the alliance point of view, it must be forever settled that yielding a square inch to an aggressor is out of the question – no matter the scenario. Over 900 million citizens, $30tn total GDP, and over three million soldiers in constant battle readiness (plus the reserves) – that’s the strength of NATO.
It takes decisiveness to show that strength , and the readiness to use it – so it would never have to be used to fight back attacks and take back territory.