Even before NATO had time to do anything about placement of infantry in the Baltics, the US European command decided independently of NATO to distribute its 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team based in Vicenza, Italy, between Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Each state will get a company of 150 men to be rotated till the end of the year – at least.
The American airborne brigade is an infantry unit without machines, specialised in close combat and counter attack, as well as keeping territory. Also, the company has parachute landing operation capacity.
According to Lieutenant Colonel Eero Rebo, deputy head of operations at HQ of Defence Forces, the Americans are due to arrive at the beginning of next week. It has not yet been decided which unit will accommodate them.
«Definitely, they will be operating together with the 1st Infantry Brigade and Scouts Battalion, at the Spring Storm first and then at the Saber Strike exercises in June. We will include them on all Scouts Battalion exercises, as much as possible, so they would get to know the Estonian landscape, the servicemen, in short – practicing the defence of Estonia,» said Lieut. Col. Rebo.
As part of the NATO package, since the beginning of May four Danish F-16A fighters will be based in the Ämari airbase. Along with these, the base will have about fifty Danes in readiness on location, in Estonia for the minimum of four months.