With utmost clarity, speeches by Putin in person and through lips of cronies, as well as propaganda by Kremlin proclaim what just a while ago may have been considered an overblown fear in hearts of paranoidish observers. Thus, in opening words of the Annual Review, Kapo director-general Arnold Sinisalu says these events have opened the eyes of the international public to the dangers and the nationalist character of the Putin Regime. The real goals of Russia’s so-called compatriots policy have become glaringly obvious.
It is natural and needful for security service to share, with the Estonian public, its knowledge on impact activities by Putin Regime and changes therein. The fact that extremism does not broadly resonate in Estonia’s Russian community has definitely not made Kremlin alter its long-term goals; even so, they are adjusting tactics according to current situation.
Meanwhile we may say that as compared to former years, the fresh review is subdued – «court proof», one may say. Even its photos depict either crooks already condemned, or something general. While compiling this version, Kapo has obviously opted for overall education and moralising, trying to avoid offending undertones.
When recalling the style of former reviews and the court cases underway, this strikes eye as a significant change. True: if in former years it may really have taken society-shaking statements and insinuations to draw attention to the nature and methods of Russian impact-activities, in the current situation the essence and aims of Putin Regime are so obvious as to exclude the need of overly loud explanation. The attention is guaranteed.
At the moment, a systematic overview of hazards doubtless fall into fertile ground – no matter that this review contains no big blasting news. Some single cases described – such as plot by crooks to sneak buddy into city council – may raise eyebrows: is that really a widespread problem, seeing other examples are absent? Even so, as a hazard typified... good to know.