As stated in Internal Security Service (Kapo) annual review, certain members of Estonian Moslem community departed for Syria last year to fight against forces of president Bashar al-Assad. Also, several have shown interest to participate in jihad.
As stated in Internal Security Service (Kapo) annual review, certain members of Estonian Moslem community departed for Syria last year to fight against forces of president Bashar al-Assad. Also, several have shown interest to participate in jihad.
Kapo will not reveal if we have to do with Estonian citizens or persons residing in Estonia; neither will they tell us if these included converts i.e. Estonians embracing the Islamic faith. The Estonian Moslem community is mostly made up by Azerbaijanis and Tatars.
According to Kapo director-general Arnold Sinisalu, hundreds of Moslems have headed from Europe to Syria, for war. All over the West, these are considered threat to internal security upon return. «In a way, many people who have been to Syria, for war, are brainwashed. Their attitude towards fundamental rights and democracy is based on fundamental Islam and they definitely present a danger in the future. That, for instance, in case they should conclude that the West isn’t doing anything to topple the Syrian regime,» described Mr Sinisalu. «In their later life, that may motivate them to attack Europe in the broadest sense; regrettably, this may be a problem also in Estonia.»
Before heading for the battle fields, foreign fighters are thoroughly trained in boot camps where, among other things, they are taught close combat techniques, use of fire-arms, and preparation of explosives, noted Kapo.
Currently, no Muslim departed to Syria has returned to Estonia. Kapo is asking those that have detected, among those closest to them, an unexplainably enhanced interest and desire to go to crisis areas, to contact Internal Security Service.