There’s the other extreme, of course – turning volunteers into a kind of super humans. Often, this treatment is found in the mouth of some popularity-hunting politician. Volunteers, be they as tough and dedicated as they come, still won’t make it without state help. To take action, the needed regulation needs to be in place – the legal space – and the material support.
As at year’s end, Defence league had 14,000 members (23,000, including special organisations). Spurred by events in Ukraine, interest to join has ever increased. Step by step, the role of volunteers is being increased in national defence as well.
Meanwhile, as the talk of «input» and «capacity» is cheap, let us not forget that to expect Defence League to act, money needs to be channelled into weapons systems and continuous training. Real help, not just oratory, is also expected in ranks of volunteer fire-fighters, sea rescuers and the like.