Chancellor of Justice Indrek Teder today proposed that Riigikogu waive immunity of Centre Party parliamentarians Lauri Laasi and Priit Toobal for the bringing of charges, and of Urbo Vaarmann in order to continue with judicial proceedings.
Chancellor of Justice Indrek Teder today proposed that Riigikogu waive immunity of Centre Party parliamentarians Lauri Laasi and Priit Toobal for the bringing of charges, and of Urbo Vaarmann in order to continue with judicial proceedings.
Prosecutor General Norman Aas had recourse to Mr Teder regarding Mr Vaarmann on February 21st and regarding Mr Toobal and Mr Laasi on February 26th, as members of the parliament may only be criminally prosecuted as proposed by Chancellor of Justice and upon agreement of majority in Riigikogu.
Before taking his stand in the issue, the Chancellor of Justice familiarised himself with materials in criminal files of Mr Laasi, Mr Toobal, and Mr Vaarmann, as well as with surveillance proceedings within pre-trial procedures regarding the three criminal cases. At that, the Chancellor of Justice may not verify nor assess evidence amassed, nor take a stand regarding relevance of the evidence.
Riigikogu will deliberate the proposal by Chancellor of Justice as soon as possible, hearing his report and voting on the issue. For agreement to proceed, 51 Riigikogu votes are needed.
Office of the Prosecutor General desires to bring charges against Mr Toobal and Mr Laasi regarding instigation to private surveillance and violation of confidentiality of messages i.e. in that they moved Ivor Onksion to illegally enter mail account of Hannes Rumm, and from there to forward unto them e-mails found therein. For such participation, Mr Onksion stands accused within related proceedings.
Also, Office of Prosecutor General desires to bring charges against Mr Toobal for falsification of documents, as, pursuant to the charges, he falsified five Centre Party revenue orders totalling cash donations of €11,030.28 which actually were never made. Also, as related to Mr Toobal as a senior employee and competent representative of it, Centre Party itself stands accused as a legal person.
In the case of Urbo Vaarmann (also member of Centre Party), Office of Prosecutor General desires waiver of immunity in order to continue judicial proceedings. Mr Vaarmann, coming to Riigikogu last October as replacement for Aadu Must, stands accused in obtaining benefits by fraud, as well as repeated granting of gratuities.
The latest case of a Riigikogu member being waived immunity were Villu Reiljan and Ester Tuiksoo (then People’s Union) in March 2009.
Earlier, immunity has been removed from long-time Reform Party chairman Siim Kallas, former secretary-general of said party Heiki Kranich, and also from Margus Hanson and Jaanus Tamkivi (Reform Party, both).