In September 2013, the retail sales of goods of retail trade enterprises were 378.9 million euros, which was almost 295 euros per inhabitant. The retail sales in stores selling manufactured goods increased 11% compared to September 2012. The sales increased in all economic activities. The retail sales of second-hand goods in stores and non-store retail sales (stalls, markets, direct sale) increased the most with the retail sales showing an increase of three quarters (76%) compared to September of the previous year. The sales increase in these stores does not significantly influence the retail sales of goods of retail trade enterprises, because the share of this economic activity is very small – 1.8% in September 2013. In September, an increase that was higher than the average occurred in stores selling household goods and appliances, hardware and building materials (18% growth), in retail sales via mail order or the Internet (16% growth) and in other specialised stores, such as stores selling computers and their accessories, photography supplies, books, sports equipment, games and toys, etc. (13% growth).
The retail sales in grocery stores have been rather stable during the last two months. Similarly to August, the retail sales of these stores increased 2% in September compared to the same month of the previous year.
The retail sales of automotive fuel stayed at the same level compared to September 2012.