«Ilves and Ansip have criticised Tallinn city government for organising a party to celebrate the three years’ work at Ülemiste traffic crossing facility. The opening ceremony has been labelled an antic and, in media, emotions have been whipped into a frenzy,» wrote Mr Savisaar. «Surely, the right wing parties would like that the president and media, their supporters, would harp on the opening of a crossing in Tallinn till the election day.»
In his letter, Mr Savisaar also recalled Estonia’s «welcome euro» celebration of 2011, underlining that to that background, the opening ceremony at Ülemiste was nothing unique. «Of course, we did not have 11.2 million Estonian kroons at our disposal, as the president and prime minister had,» wrote Mayor of Tallinn.
Finance Minister Jürgen Ligi (Reform Party) refuted accusations by Mr Savisaar, claiming the actual costs of celebrating the euro were only 350,000 kroons, by which Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR) was supported in its preparation of the New Year programme.