The resolution will be sent to the Council of the Baltic Sea States and the governments of participating countries. It also was decided to establish a working group on innovation in social and health care that is to present its first report at the next parliamentary conference in Poland in 2014.
The resolution calls on the governments of Baltic Sea countries to initiate and support innovative activities conducive to the development of the region. The participants also wish to strengthen cooperation at parliamentary level to reduce hurdles that might hold back sustainable development in Baltic Sea countries.
The document calls for facilitating the work and international cooperation of democratic NGOs by providing political and financial support and for changing customs regulations and practices and visa restrictions between Schengen and non-Schengen countries.
Participating countries are urged to consider changing laws and regulations to reduce bureaucratic obstacles to innovation and provide fiscal incentives for innovation, such as tax reliefs for innovative enterprises and services.
The chairwoman of the BSPC standing committee, Deputy Speaker of the Estonian parliament Laine Randjarv, said that the participants suggested creative activities and solutions for making the region more sustainable, competitive and productive. «Baltic Sea countries should more systematically and aggressively position themselves on the global trade arena,» she said. «It is also essential to be a key player in the innovation policy of the European Union.»
The 22nd Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference was held in the Estonian city of Parnu on Monday and Tuesday. Participating were delegations of 11 countries on the Baltic rim and 26 parliamentary organizations including the European Parliament, as well as representatives of the European Commission and several international associations. The overarching theme of this year's conference was «Sustainable Innovation for a Competitive Region.»