Why waste time for conversations, assessments, deliberations. Even so: what feels easy in an antiutopia, breeds errors in real life. With damaged organisational image the only outcome, hopefully, the situation might be fixed.
Sadly, in power structures, the outcome of false choices may be a lot worse – with people appointed to posts for which they are unfit.
For the sixth year running Defence Forces use a Thomas Test for dividing up recruits. A test which does not measure what it is supposed to measure. A test which angers soldiers, offends psychologists and costs €30,000 taxpayer money a year.
Both Defence Forces and Ministry of Defence stress this is just one tool, the actual decision being taken by squad leaders. These, however, take 79 per cent of their decisions based on the said Thomas Test which, as said, measures not what it is used to measure.
No other army on the planet uses the Thomas Test. There exists, however, a Canadian arbitrage court decision, in a labour dispute, stating the test may be used as an aid to an interview only. Quite ridiculously, national defence leadership is trying to appear as not hoodwinked.
For they claim that 79 per cent of those proclaimed fit for some post were actually appointed by their squad leaders. How wonderful. All this shows is the laughably low level of all Thomas Test fans in army and elsewhere in assessment of selection methodology.