Like a tandem, Mr Kangert and Mr Taaramäe raced from Estonia’s top to world amateur top, both turning pro at a very early age. It was then that Mr Kangert entered the valley of tears – knees giving way under the loads. For a year and a half, he was totally out of the picture, professional club Ag2r not extending the contract. So it was back to zero, starting again as amateur. Mr Kangert was not broken, however. After a string of victories, Astana picked him out.
By now, Mr Kangert is back on top form, with market value up three-four-five times after Giro, and many teams surely going after him, as the Astana contract is up after a year. Not to be a helper, but the star.
Mr Taaramäe says he is sorry that Mr Kangert has to be helper in Astana. His advice to his friend is to enter into a mega contract, next, with a smaller team, become the leader and go after a win in a grand tour.
Mr Kangert, modest and meek on the outside – not on the inside – takes things easy: «It is well with my soul, doing the helper job. So that’s what I’m doing. To be leader – that’s extreme stress – he team’s and fans’ expectations, the media… Taaramäe can handle this. But then… perhaps I could, too.»
Mr Kirsipuu thinks it is most important – more important than the good Giro results – that Mr Kangert got his confidence back and realises, by now, how tough he really is.
There is hope that at the autumn Spanish tour, Mr Kangert becomes a minor Astana leader, able to do his own thing. And maybe a day will dawn when the local fans’ dream comes true – with the two of them, Mr Kangert and Mr Taaramäe, tackling Tour de France for the yellow leader’s jersey and top spot on podium, rising to bicycle god status.