After a long while, Kerli Kõiv, the singer, wrote a Facebook letter in Estonian.
After a long while, Kerli Kõiv, the singer, wrote a Facebook letter in Estonian.
Kerli thinks the following:
«Estonians, let me be honest: I’m ashamed of you. It is embarrassing to read the negative news on us having no Eurovision hopes, before Birgit ever steps onstage. Add the abundant «expert assessments», negative all of them.
It is embarrassing to read how the First Lady wastes «giant sums» a la €1,000 a month on costumes. I’ll bet there’s no other First Lady in the world as frugal as her; the amount indeed being ridiculously small.
Open your eyes, look around. Such narrow-mindedness hurts, holds us back.
Also, I happened to look at the Kroonika party video and my mouth just fell open at how people communicated. How the reporters have no class, never occurs to them to compliment the folks on the red carpet. Public figures so loose with their vocabulary. Base fellows… Sorry, but that’s the feeling.
For once, I’d like to see some overcoming spirit in Estonians – that «Yes! Good luck to me and to you!» spirit. I’d love to see more warmth, more kind words, more support – then, I believe, our little country would be birthing cool projects and success stories. It’s hard to fly when folks back home are casting stones.
Herewith, I’d like to extend best wishes to Birgit and the team in Eurovision finals, and lots of love to all who believe in it.»