Picture news: giant mast in Järvselja Forest growing up

Risto Mets
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Photo: Aret Vooremäe

With twenty one metres of the scientists’ new mast in Järvselja Forest ready, 109 m are yet to be added. The SMEAR-mast will be measuring links between plants and the atmosphere, substances contained in various layers of air. In a word: chemical content of forest air.

The SMEAR-station will help scientists of Estonian University of Life Sciences and University of Tartu to study which substances are emanated by scrubs, mosses and trees; how these volatilize; and how this transpires during days, weeks or years.

By its appearance, the mast resembles a usual mobile phone mast. Being taller, however, and carrying sophisticated devices. All in all, the station will cost €1.6m to build, being quite a unique scientific project for North-Europe.

Among other things, information provided by the Järvselja mast may benefit the forestry sector: with insight into which kind of forest planted would yield the best results in 80 or 100 years’ time.
