According to Statistics Estonia, in March 2013 compared to March of the previous year, the retail sales of goods of retail trade enterprises increased 7% at constant prices.
According to Statistics Estonia, in March 2013 compared to March of the previous year, the retail sales of goods of retail trade enterprises increased 7% at constant prices.
In March 2013, the retail sales of goods of retail trade enterprises were 366.1 million euros, which was almost 285 euros per inhabitant. The increase in sales was mostly influenced by grocery stores, where the retail sales increased 5% compared to March 2012. The growth in retail sales of these stores was influenced by the discount sales campaigns that took place in March, also by the lower reference base of the previous year and by the deceleration in the price increase of food products. If in February the annual price increase of food products was 6%, then in March 5.1%. Due to a large share, grocery stores covered half of the total increase of the sales of the retail trade enterprises.
The retail sales in stores selling manufactured goods increased 7% compared to March 2012. The retail sales of second-hand goods in stores and non-store retail sale (stalls, markets, direct sale) increased the most, where the retail sales increased more than half (73%) compared to March of the previous year. The sales increase in these stores does not significantly influence the retail sales of goods of retail trade enterprises, because the share of this economic activity is very small – 1.9% in March 2013.
The retail sales of automotive fuel increased 17% at constant prices compared to March 2012. Compared with previous months, the retail sales growth rate accelerated, mainly due to the low reference base of March 2012 and by the price decrease of automotive fuel. If in recent years the price of automotive fuel has increased rapidly, then in March this year the automotive fuel was 3.6% cheaper than a year earlier.
Compared to the previous month, in March the retail sales in retail trade enterprises increased 15% at constant prices. According to the seasonally and working-day adjusted data, the retail sales increased 3%. During the three months (January–March) of 2013, the retail sales in retail trade enterprises increased 4.6% at constant prices compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.
In March the turnover of retail trade enterprises was 437.5 million euros, out of which the retail sales of goods accounted for 84%. Compared to March 2012, the turnover increased by 2% at current prices. Compared to the previous month, this indicator increased 15%.
Retail sales volume index of retail trade enterprises and its trend, January 2003 – March 2013 (2010 = 100)