My hands are quite free, really. When I need a cover for the album, they send me the money and say: deadline in three weeks. By now, I’m lucky to have gained creative liberty. But then again, if a song is unfit for them, as a radio hit, they won’t release it. So, these last years, I’ve had to plan a bit more, at times, how to say what I want to say – in a way they can sell it.
In my beliefs I make no compromise, but I cannot be naïve. It’s a large corporation with goals to achieve. I think it’s made me a better songwriter.
When I get into my third album, I’ll feel real free, creative, and will set absolutely no limits.
Let’s wait and see, then! How many people are there in this world that you can trust? Are there any?
Honestly, I wonder if I have any at all, whose advice I’d always take. There is a handful whose worldview and opinions I respect. Many things I do discuss with my team. We have many spiritual discussions.
I have total trust to nobody. Only myself. Sometimes I do it different than the team thinks necessary. I so long to meet somebody with all the answers. Not my luck, yet!
Well, that might make things too easy, perhaps. But – what’s up, talking about the near future?
I perform a lot, hope to have the LP out someday soon. Compose all the time. Have some fun joint projects going, not released yet. Hope to release a lot of music. This is the very thing I want to do.
Have lots of music sitting in my drawer... (Foxily) It’s not all gold, you know!
Had some chats about the summer, nothing definite yet.