I wouldn’t be that pessimistic. People will surely be visiting a place with +20 C0 in March and no culture shock to be feared when arriving from Northern-Europe. True: the money will probably be kept in some country with a more stable banking system. But people will keep coming, even if they have to carry cash with them. After all, people have travelled with cash in pocket for millennia, Visa cards being like a speck in the sea of time in comparison.
The main conclusion of my few days’ acquaintance with local crisis was, rather, related to Estonia: let us rejoice, from time to time, at what we have been spared from, these last times. Estonia abounds with things unfinished and problems unsolved, but relatively sound public finances and solid Swedish bankers are definitely not included in the list.
Here, we weep when bank terminals fall offline for 30 minutes. Let’s imagine, for a moment, how it would feel if, like some fellow-Europeans, we couldn’t move our deposits for a week – the whole time worrying how much of it we’d be able to rescue anyway. That’s not funny at all and we have to thank good fortune or Heavens above that Estonia is seeing a generation emerge with no experience of such trouble.